Happiness Anti-Virus from the ATM for Happiness Nature has willed us into being together almost full time again! Lasting together already seems challenging to many. Today, as a result of overthinking, our unhappiness and anxiety are on a high! More than anything else a whole lot of people are worried in anticipation, while many are […]
Month: March 2020
Being + Doing Leadership is about having a spirit of the need for this too and that too. The focus is on being and doing. It’s not a choice but is the only way forward for the genuine well being of people, society & environment. Accepting that there is no option is difficult. Imagine that […]
Retirement: Retired, or Rejuvenated?
Retirement Retired = Rejuvenated Freud rightly said, “Love and work …work and love, that’s all there is. Today there are a lot of managers who overwork for survival and success. People slogging for 12 hours every day need the weekend to recoup. For some like Elon Musk work is love and they are most happy being there […]
Listening a leadership Paradox
Listening – A leadership Paradox Life is like a boxing match, where defeat is not declared when you fall but when you refuse to GET UP. Winners in life are the ones who always muster the courage to get up after each fall with more courage, conviction and self-belief. Life is full of its ups […]
Purpose made Purposeful
PURPOSE MADE PURPOSEFUL We all have a purpose in life, sometimes we know it, and sometimes it’s unknown. This direction, when it awakens to become clear and is accepted, then we need to focus on the end state or the desired state of our journey. For me as a thought sharer I believe that the […]